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  • Basic Tactics
    By: AnXdiety, Posted at: Fri, Sep 5th 10:19 AM 2003, Last Edited: Mon, Feb 21st 7:37 PM 2005
    Rated 4.61 by 21 people

    Now here is something i think the majority of everyone is over looking. Its something rather simple and its called TACTICS. Every other RPG i have ever played required some form of strategy in order to take on most forms of creatures. Especially the higher level creatures. Anyone that has played Final Fantasy 7 should remember that to kill the final boss all you had to do was equip a water defence and you were invincible. Heck the ending guy would end up healing you over and over. This game is not much different than a lot of other older classic rpg's in existance. Just a much broader scale of the form of tactics we have to use to defeat our enemies. Everyone cries that they have nerfed the knockdown attacks and all the creatures to timbuktu but its still possible to take down targets fairly decently now. Sure it is a much slower process of taking things down but it works all the same.

    We've got to break the mold of an Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 style that all the newcomers to rpg's are looking for. Bring things back to the way that the game was designed and is to be played. We can tell that the way to play this game is with strategy just by the numerous nerfs the devs have given things that make the first person shooter style of click and die unerving and impossible. Lets start with the basics....

    Know your Enemy

    This is pretty straight foreward but no one seems to actually stop and realize that there is an extreme amount of information on each and every mob in the game just under the examine key. Look at the resistances. Find out what the creature is weak against. Find out if it has armor resists. Find out if it is killer or not. Learn through others experience if the creature is social and brings friends if you attack it. Find out how the creature moves and reacts. An example being bantha's are lazy and fairly slow. They don't bring friends depending on their type. Again know their type tusken bantha's bring their friends while rogue banthas come at you all alone. Learn their aggro range if they are aggro creatures. Just how close do you have to get before they charge you and attack. Take a look at the graphics of the player you are fighting to know what he is holding as a weapon. You can visually see if someone is a rifleman, a carbineer, a pistoleer just by the weapon the wield. Knowing what you are up against is half the battle won right there.

    Know your Self

    Everyone should have a grasp on just what the capabilites of their character is. Learn what your play style is and learn to adapt to the situation. Using what you know about the creatures and knowing yourself at the same time can make a lot of hard kills extremely easy. Learn what weapons do what kind of damage. Learn what their effectiveness against armor is. Use that to your advantage. A scatter pistol being acid damage and light armor peircing is going to do a lot more damage to a creature that has 75% resists to heat than your FWG5 would ever do.

    Take time to learn what armor can assist you in what situations. Some armor has higher resists to some things than others. Taking off those Ubese boots and replacing them with a Composite helmet when fighting a rifleman in a player on player situation can be a life saver. Wearing armor while fighting fighting some creatures that do nothing more than melee attack you are going to just kill yourself with the added encumbrance on defending things you are not being attacked for.

    Take advantage of the available skills you have. Learn how to use them all. The single greatest thing to learn is how to take advantage of warning shot and threaton shot. When something gets to close for comfort send it running home. I wonder what a combination of a flame thrower from a commando and a warning shot would do to a creature that cons white to them. Light the critter up and send it running away in flames. Seems to make sense to me. Add a health shot into the mix and you have some pretty decent damage over time happening while it is running for its life. Its all about knowing what you can do and what you can combine to maximize your abilites. If your abilities don't fit your play style learn to adapt to the situation and possibly pick up a new class and the skills you need to do things the way you want to. One final note is to know just how much damage to yourself your skills use. Spamming your skills is only going to lead to instant suicide against any harder level enemy. Learn to make your enemy fall into your tactics.

    Know your Surroundings

    Watch your terrain. Learn that some creatures move extremely slow in water or up or down hills. Watch your radar to see where other aggro enemies lie so you don't aggro them as well and get mobbed to death. Watch your point of attack angle and your enemies escape routes. Sometimes enemies will try to escape and you give chase trying to pull off that last finishing move right into another group of nasties. Learn where obstacles are in your surroundings. Use them to your advantage. Hide around the side of a building out of site when a CorSec is chasing you to give yourself that needed stimpack. Force them to follow you around another corner to get within close range for melee skills. Find other creatures that attack the mobs you are attacking and use them to your advantage. Those lost rebels and imps wandering in the hills are great to assist and take a creature off you if you can't handle them.

    Know the Interface

    Take advantage of the different availabilites given to you to add quick control of your character. Make macros for your most used special attacks. Learn where the peace key is to prevent firing when you let off that warning shot and dragging the mob right back to you. Take a peek at the creatures distance on the visual bars when you target them. If you learned their aggro range you'll know if you are within range or not. Use the radar and the overhead map to plan a route of attack and and escape route if things take a wrong turn and you need to bail out. Key an eye on fellow group members and their health. If someone drops a creature is going to turn to someone else to chew on.

    Call in the Reinforcements

    When in doubt and you decide to group make sure to know your group and who is playing what role. Having a single person dictate which creatures are to be killed saves a lot of unwanted nasties invading the hunting and issues return trips to the cloning facility. Using all the information above can save your group a lot of headaches as well. Having someone that knows how to pull a creature and their aggro range and bring it back to the group to kill is a lot easier than just rushing a lair and getting swarmed. Confuse your enemies. A large group surrounding a creature and the creature won't know which person to go after as you are all hitting it. it'll wander in a circle trying to make up its mind. When hurt don't run like a chicken with your head cut off. Try and find the medic and stay still so they can target you and get those magical heals off. And most of all learn to use the mystical command /assist on your squad leader. It'll make a lot of this extremely easy for targeting the one creature at a time.

    In closing just a few other tips and pointers. Learn to use buffs to your advantage. Find a chef and eat and drink till you can't no more. Find a medic and gain some of those wonderful stat increases that get your own ham up over 2k. When in doubt stack some spices on top for an emergency battle you just have to win. You don't want the side effects kicking in while you are being attacked over and over.

    Most of all learn to adapt and have patience. We know this game is not set in stone and anything can change for the better or for the worse. Everyone cries when something does not go their way. Become self sufficient but also an asset to a group. Take advantage of what you can do rather than complain about what is not possible. Utilize some patience when you are attempting some creatures that are out of your league. As you develop and gain more abilites the higher end creatures become more and more accessable. Be patient along the way. Nothing is going to be a one shot kill once you advance far enough and hope to keep advancing.

    SWG: Combat: Basic Tactics, by AnXdiety
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       erer sivof Reply...
      Posted @ Fri, Sep 26th 4:31 PM 2003
      By: Anonymous
      Score: Default [2.00]

      BS man u could not do that
      <-tfo-> rank:Member                                                                             

      0 Replies
       Tips Reply...
      Posted @ Sat, Sep 6th 8:17 AM 2003
      By: Forthoffer
      99 posts
      Score: Decent [2.95]

      Here are more tips.

      1. Groups should have a tactical leader, who may or may not be the actual group leader.

      2. Do what the tactical leader says.

      If the tactical leader says, "Let the pet tank", then let the pet tank. Attack only what the pet is attacking (which is a lot easier now that the pet doesn't switch targets except on command). Stay farther away from the target than the pet. If you get hit, stop attacking for a bit, even if you have to unequip your melee weapon and move out of melee range. As badass as you may be, you may be fighting a mob that can hit you faster than the medic can heal you. Let the high-resist, high-HAM pet take the damage. It is more important to stay alive and deliver some damage than it is to deliver maximum damage.

      If the tactical leader says, "Disengage", then disengage. Don't ignore the leader. Don't continue fighting while asking questions. Just disengage. Maybe the leader has seen your Mind is dropping too fast. Maybe the leader has spotted a wandering mob, and wants you ready to handle it. Trust your leader.

      If you want to know why the leader told you to do something, wait until the battle is over.

      3. If your group has not designated a tactical leader, appoint one. You may not have a volunteer. You may not have a fully qualified leader. But it is better to have one person hesitantly calling the shots than to be suddenly fighting two big mobs when your group can only handle one, or people to be calling for different actions during battle.

      I've seen more people die in groups from not following directions than from all other reasons combined. I've seen a 20-person group of mostly elites wipe to a level 50 Nym camp on Lok because they attacked helter-skelter and didn't let the pet tank, and I've gone back with just a doctor and CH and duoed the camp.

      Fort/Forth, Valcyn
      (Forthoffer retired from EQ/Lanys, as a 65/155 cleric with effectively GM in all standard tradeskills)
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