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A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 1 of 158

Viewed 53370 times

A few quick random beginning tips:
-Target by pressing TAB, not clicking on the target.
-The number next to a target is your chance to hit or accuracy - the higher the better.
-The little * next to a target indicates the difficulty to you.   
green = very easy, blue = easy, white = even match, yellow = difficult, red = very difficult
-If you lay prone and shoot the target will not notice you until you get several shots off. 
-If you kneel or lay down you raise your accuracy, but you cannot attack up close while prone.
-Do not attack CorSec (Corellian Security) for no reason.  Just because the default action is attack does not mean you should attack them.
-The red, green and blue bars are referred to as HAM (Health - Action - Mind).
-Using special moves with weapons costs HAM points.
-There are nine different attributes.  3 of each type.  The first is the main bar.  The second determines how much using specials will cost from the main bar.  The third determines how fast the main bar will regenerate.
-The second and third attribute of each category are usually called secondary stats.
-Every bar of your HAM will regenerate faster if you sit down.
-Armor has something called encumberance which is based on how heavy the armor is and how much it slows you down.
-The encumberance is the amount that is subtracted from the second and third attribute of each category of HAM when you are wearing the armor.
-You should only wear armor while fighting, since it lowers your secondary stats.
-After a fight, your HAM bars will regenerate faster if you take off your armor.
-The black area on your HAM bars is wounds. 
-Health and Action wounds can only be healed by a medic.
-Mind wounds can only be healed by an entertainer in a cantina or a camp.
-To receive mind healing click on an entertainer that is dancing or playing music and select Listen or Watch.
-You can Listen to one person and Watch another at the same time for faster healing.
-If someone heals your wounds or entertains you to heal your mind wounds, tip them.
-The ALT key changes the mouse mode.
-Change to mouse mode by pressing ALT and then put your mouse cursor at the bottom of the toolbar at the top of the screen until it changes to an up and down symbol and then hold the mouse button and drag downward until you get a second row of toolbars.  You can put skills and items in them and access them by pressing SHIFT-F1 through SHIFT-F12
-You can resize almost any window in the game by putting your mouse cursor on the edge and holding the mouse button and dragging the window bigger or smaller.
-You can move most windows where you want them by dragging them when the mouse cursor looks like a cross ╬
-You can see further in your radar if you click the little + or - buttons next to it.  The default range is 64 meters.
-Go to the Options menu (CTRL-O) and under the Misc section, check the option
[ x ] Show Onscreen Waypoint Monitor and uncheck the option
[    ] Show Arrows to Waypoints Onscreen
That way you'll have a list of active waypoints with the distance to each one listed.  You can drag it to wherever you want it on your screen.  (I like to put it right under the toolbars)
-You can sort your inventory or backpacks by clicking on "Change View" at the bottom of the window and then clicking on the column at the top that you would like to sort them by.  Example:  If you click on "Item Name" it will sort the items alphabetically by the name and then if you click "Item Type" it will sort by what kind of items they are.  Then click on "Change View" again to switch back to the regular view.  This makes it much easier to keep everything organized.
-Click the little symbol 3O4 on the top left hand corner of your inventory window.  It will bring up an examine pane that will show the stats for whatever you have selected so you can examine items in your inventory without clicking examine on each item.
-Ctrl-V will bring up a planetary map with the locations of cities and the waypoints you have saved.  You can zoom this map in or out.  The right hand side has a list of things you can search for.  Just click the orange box and select the sub item you'd like to find and a waypoint will appear in the map.  If you right click on the waypoint you can creat your own waypoint and activate it so you can easily find it.  As an example, you can click Vendors and then Armor to find a list of armor vendors, then click on the individual vendor and it will show a waypoint on the map indicating where it is.
-Delivery missions pay pretty well.  You can refresh the mission window many times until you get two missions with the same destination location.  It's best to go from one major city to another major city far away.  If you press Ctrl-V and then point at a city with the mouse, you can see how far away and what direction displayed in the lower left hand corner of the window.  The credits from two good missions should pay around 800 a piece and will more than cover your travel costs.  This is an easy way to get money so you can buy a better gun to do destroy missions later on.
-To find resources used to craft things you need the Novice Artisan skill and survey tools.  You can usually find them for sale on the Bazaar in major cities, or you can ask an Artisan to make one for you.
-First use the survey tool to select which resource you'd like to find and click survey.  You will get a map of what percent of that resource is located around you.  You can walk toward the highest % and click survey again until you find the spot with the highest concentration of the resource.
-Once you find a pretty high % of a resource you can click Sample and you will take a sample of the resource from the ground.
-Using the survey tool to survey drains your Mind bar, and taking samples of resources drains your Action bar.
-If you stand still after you click sample the first time, your character will sample again after 30 seconds.
-If you sit down after sampling, your Action will regenerate faster and then after 30 seconds you can click sample again.
-Always experiment when you are crafting items.  It can make any item have at least double the stats.
-In order to experiment you must have a specific crafting tool (not the generic crafting tool) and you must stand next to a crafting station of the same type.  You can find every type of crafting station in most big cities - Coronet has them all in front of the starport. Example: Use a Food and Chemical Crafting Tool while standing next to a Food and Chemical Crafting Station in order to experiment on a stimpack.

-Read the manual that comes with the game and the one on the main site

-Play through the tutorial after you create your character.  If you didn't do it with your main character you can always create another character on another server and make sure [ x ] View New Player Tutorial is checked before you finish creating the character.

Message Edited by DeQuosaek on 03-19-2004 01:24 PM

Message Edited by DeQuosaek on 03-19-2004 01:53 PM

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-18-2004 04:23 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 1048
Registered: 06-27-2003


Reply 2 of 158

Viewed 40129 times

Good to see a guide like this for all the new people browsing the forums

03-18-2004 04:25 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 3 of 158

Viewed 40137 times

Commonly used SWG acronyms and a few definitions:

1H = (1)-(H)anded
2H = (2)-(H)anded
AA = (A)rmor (A)ttachment-- inserted in armor to give bonuses. Not removable!
AFK = (A)way (F)rom (K)eyboard
AP = (A)pprentice (P)oints  -- you get these for training other players skills.
AP = (A)rmor (P)iercing
AT-AT = (A)ll (T)errain (A)rmored (T)ransport
AT-ST = (A)ll (T)errain (S)cout (T)ransport
BER = (B)ase (E)xtraction (R)ate
BRB = (B)e (R)ight (B)ack
CA = (C)lothing (A)ttachment -- inserted in clothing to give bonuses. Not removable!
CPU = (C)redits (P)er (U)nit  -- usually used when selling resources.
CSR = (C)ustomer (S)ervice (R)epresentative
DB = (D)eath (B)low
DEV = (DEV)eloper -- the people who made this game possible. Props.
DOT = (D)amage (O)ver (T)ime -- type of damage done by bleeds, fire and poisons.
DPS = (D)amage (P)er (S)econd  -- usually calculated as average damage divided by speed.
DWB = (D)eath (W)atch (B)unker -- VERY difficult mission involving Mandolorians.
ETA = (E)stimated (T)ime of (A)rrival
FS = (F)orce (S)ensitive
FSCS = (F)orce (S)ensitive (C)haracter (S)lot
FYI = (F)or (Y)our (I)nformation
GCW = (G)alactic (C)ivil (W)ar -- the Galactic Empire versus the Rebellion
HAM = (H)ealth (A)ction and (M)ind bars  -- the red, green and blue bars
IMP = (IMP)erial
JTL = (J)ump (T)o (L)ightspeed -- the SWG expansion that was released October 27th 2004
LFG = (L)ooking (F)or (G)roup
LOL = (L)augh (O)ut (L)oud
LTA = (L)ooking (T)o (A)uction
LTB = (L)ooking (T)o (B)uy
LTS = (L)ooking (T)o (S)ell
MOB = (M)oving (OB)ject  -- used to describe creatures in game.
MT = (M)is(T)ell -- used when you accidentally send a /tell to the wrong person.
NPC = (N)on-(P)layer (C)haracter
NS = (N)ight (S)ister -- powerful clan of force witches on Dathomir. Dangerous!
OMG = (O)h (M)y (G)oodness (or God or Gosh)
OMW = (O)n (M)y (W)ay
PA = (P)layer (A)ssociation  -- sometimes referred to as a guild.
PSG = (P)ersonal (S)heild (G)enerator
PST = (P)lease (S)end (T)ell
PVE = (P)layer (V)ersus (E)nvironment
PVP = (P)layer (V)ersus (P)layer
pwned = Originated as a mistyping of “owned” and caught on.
ROTFL or ROFL = (R)olling (O)n (T)he (F)loor (L)aughing
SBD = (S)uper (B)attle (D)roid
SEA = (S)kill (E)nhancing (A)ttachment
SOE = (S)ony (O)nline (E)ntertainment
SP = (S)kill (P)oints
ST = (S)torm (T)rooper
SWG = you ought to know that one
TBA = (T)o (B)e (A)nnounced
TC = (T)est (C)enter -- a separate server where players log on to test the new updates before they are published to the live servers. Requires a separate installation on your PC.
TEF = (T)emporary (E)nemy (F)lag -- a flag you get for attacking an opposing faction NPC that makes you attackable by them and enemy players for five minutes.
TH = (T)hunder(H)eart -- the community relations manager – an SOE employee who used to be just an avid SWG player, tester and fan and now communicates directly with the Devs about our important issues and tells us what the devs are doing etc...)
TIGGS = (TIGGS) -- the new assistant community relations manager – an SOE employee who came to us from a successful career as a community manager of The Sims. She is experienced at communicating with Devs and with us, and is feisty.)
Über = the German word for super or mega or ultra. (roughly translated)
VK = (V)ibro (K)nucklers
WTA = (W)anting (T)o (A)uction
WTB = (W)anting (T)o (B)uy
WTS = (W)anting (T)o (S)ell
WTH? = (W)hat (T)he (H)eck?  -- this has other variations...
XP = e(XP)erience

Commonly used acronyms for professions:

AS = (A)rmor(S)mith
BE = (B)io-(E)ngineer
BH = (B)ounty (H)unter
CH = (C)reature (H)andler
CM = (C)ombat (M)edic
DE = (D)roid (E)ngineer
ID = (I)mage (D)esigner
Mxx = (M)aster xx (xx = whatever profession)
SL = (S)quad (L)eader
SW = (S)hip(W)right
TKA = (T)eräs (K)äsi (A)rtist
TKM = (T)eräs (K)äsi (M)aster
WS = (W)eapon(S)mith

Resource attribute acronyms:

The next group of acronyms are in relation to resources in the game.  Different attributes are important for crafting different types of items.

CD = (C)on(D)uctivity
CR = (C)old (R)esistance
DR = (D)ecay (R)esistance
ER = (E)ntange (R)esistance
FL = (FL)avor
HR = (H)eat (R)esistance
MA = (MA)lleability
OQ = (O)verall (Q)uality
PE = (P)otential (E)nergy
SR = (S)hock (R)esistance
UT = (U)nit (T)oughness

Those are all I could think of right now. (quite a few!)  I'll update this as I come across more.  Please post if you think of something I missed.

Message Edited by DeQuosaek on 10-26-2004 03:58 PM

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-18-2004 04:30 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 3889
Registered: 08-30-2003


Reply 4 of 158

Viewed 40146 times

I started playing this game about a month and a half afer release I think.  I was surprised at how many people didn't know what HAM meant, this is when I was a noob (sort of, I was in beta so not really noob) and would refer to HAM, and people would be like, "Huh, what's HAM mean...?"  Which is understandable, but these people were not new, really, they had been playing since launch and still didn't know what HAM meant.

I just thought that was odd

Lope CLeski Master Commando | Master Tera Kasi Artist
-=Cleski Incorporated=- We make STUFF so you don't have to! ~Valhala~Naboo~ -7347, 5307
03-18-2004 04:58 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 5 of 158

Viewed 40097 times

Thanks, I always though it would be nice to have at least some of the starting information in the game guides forum.

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-18-2004 09:24 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Wing Commander
Posts: 463
Registered: 10-08-2003


Reply 6 of 158

Viewed 40081 times


This is a really good thread. I wish it would be stickied.

Sansa Dire

Master Doctor/Various Other Things
INN Reporter (working on a segment now)
03-19-2004 03:18 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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SWG Lieutenant
Posts: 335
Registered: 10-17-2003

Reply 7 of 158

Viewed 40041 times

Additional thought:  don't use too many specials!!  When i was a n00b i didn't realise specials drained health/action/mind, i was a fencer and didn't realise the main reason i kept dieing so fast was because i was spamming my specials, i just figured i had a sucky n00b character(which was only partly true).  Your specials generally do lots more damage that your normal attack but there is a slower attack time with them and they drain your HAM.  Use them sparingly. 

Master Slacker
Server- Bloodfin
03-19-2004 05:30 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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SWG Second Lieutenant
Posts: 57
Registered: 03-15-2004

PA: Storm Riders
Server: Tempest

Reply 8 of 158

Viewed 40021 times

Yes, thank you for this info.
The targetting was annoying to me.  Glad to know tab is my friend!

Jayycee Samhain
Cancelled Account
03-19-2004 07:03 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 1048
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Reply 9 of 158

Viewed 40034 times


03-19-2004 07:04 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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SWG Lieutenant
Posts: 295
Registered: 10-14-2003


Reply 10 of 158

Viewed 40008 times

just one thing, I think green = very easy and blue = easy

-Nise Lorethi
03-19-2004 09:37 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 11 of 158

Viewed 40007 times

Mangoman wrote:
just one thing, I think green = very easy and blue = easy

Thanks.  I corrected it.

As a side note, I'm sure there are much better guides out there.  This is just some tips I thought would be helpful.  I'm sure someone else has a more organized and comprehensive list.

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-19-2004 10:25 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 12 of 158

Viewed 40004 times

I hope this isn't too confusing, but this is a basic guide on how to make a macro to put on and take off your armor with a macro.

A macro is just several different commands assigned to one command.

If anyone has a better beginner macro guide, feel from to post it here.

An armor macro made easy:
Switch to the 6th row of toolbars by pressing CTRL-F6.

Open your inventory by pressing CTRL-I
Drag your body armor to the first slot in your toolbar on the top left
Drag your leggings to the 2nd slot
Drag your boots to the 3rd slot
Drag your helmet to the 4th slot
Drag your left bicep to the 5th slot
Drag your right bicep to the 6th slot
Drag your left bracer to the 7th slot
Drag your right bracer to the 8th slot
Drag your gloves to the 9th slot
Drag your regular clothes jacket to the first slot on the bottom row
Drag your regular clothes pants to the second slot on the bottom
Drag your regular clothes shoes/boots to the third slot on the bottom
Drag your regular clothes hat to the 4th slot on bottom
Drag your regular clothes gloves to the 5th slot on the bottom
To make a macro, open the Abilities window by pressing CTRL-A and click on the Macro tab and then click New Macro.
Make one macro that puts on all your armor - Call it ArmorOn:
/ui action toolbarPane05; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /ui action toolbarSlot03; /ui action toolbarSlot04; /ui action toolbarSlot05; /ui action toolbarSlot06; /ui action toolbarSlot07; /ui action toolbarSlot08; /ui action toolbarPane00
Make one macro that puts on all your regular clothes - Call it ArmorOff:
/ui action toolbarPane05; /ui action toolbarSlot12; /ui action toolbarSlot13; /ui action toolbarSlot14; /ui action toolbarSlot15; /ui action toolbarSlot16; /ui action toolbarPane00
**This is the alternate ArmorOff for people who do not have normal gloves or a normal hat**
/ui action toolbarPane05; /ui action toolbarSlot12; /ui action toolbarSlot13; /ui action toolbarSlot14; /ui action toolbarSlot03; /ui action toolbarSlot08; /ui action toolbarPane00

*Make sure the words toolbarPane and toolbarSlot words are capitalized exactly like this with a capital P and S*
What the armoron macro does is:  The toolbarPane command switches from whichever toolbar you are on to the 6th toolbar and then the toolbarSlot commands push each toolbar button that contains your armor, equipping it all.  Then the last toolbarPane00 command switches you back to the first toolbar.  You can change this to switch to whichever toolbar you normally use in combat.
The armoroff macro does this:  switch to the 6th toolbar, equip your jacket (which automatically unequips your body armor), equip your pants (which automatically unequips your armor leggings), etc. 

The slots are numbered starting from 00 like this:
00  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08  09  10  11
12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23

Last just press CTRL-O to bring up Options, then click Controls.  Then click Keymap at the bottom of the window.  Then click the Custom tab and assign keystrokes to your armoron and armoroff macros.  Then putting on your armor is as easy as pressing a few keys.  I use SHIFT-CTRL-F9 to put it on and SHIFT-CTLR-F10 to take it off, but you can choose your own keys.

Message Edited by DeQuosaek on 03-19-2004 11:57 AM

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-19-2004 11:02 AM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners
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Posts: 14882
Registered: 07-02-2003


Reply 13 of 158

Viewed 40226 times

This is a great post

Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl
Community Relations Manager
03-19-2004 01:02 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 878
Registered: 09-11-2003

PA: FoB (former SITH)
Server: Kauri

Reply 14 of 158

Viewed 39682 times

DeQuosaek wrote:
-Do not attack CorSec (Corporate Sector) for no reason.  Just because the default action is attack does not mean you should attack them.

I'm pretty sure it stands for Corellian Security Forces (they can only be found on Corellia and Talus). Corporate Sector Authority is abbreviated diffirently (CSA?) 
Oh, and good job on this!

Message Edited by JediKozel on 03-19-2004 04:46 PM

Mokael Openg
Mayor by Day, Fixer by Night, Gunfighter by Need
"Face it, if crime did not pay, there would be very few criminals."
Laughton Lewis Burdock
(from Shadows of The Empire by S. Perry)
03-19-2004 01:43 PM  

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Re: A New Player Guide - or - random tips for beginners   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 3898
Registered: 06-27-2003

PA: Fighting Hell Fish
Server: Bria

Reply 15 of 158

Viewed 39686 times

JediKozel wrote:

DeQuosaek wrote:
-Do not attack CorSec (Corporate Sector) for no reason.  Just because the default action is attack does not mean you should attack them.

I'm pretty sure it stands for Corellian Security Forces (they can only be found on Corellia and Talus). Corporate Sector Authority is abbreviated diffirently (CSA?) 

You know, I thought the same thing.  I figured it must stand for Corellian Security too, but I heard an NPC say something about Corporate Sector and thought that must be what CorSec stands for, so I changed my definition.  Hmmmm.

Thanks for pointing that out.  

Message Edited by DeQuosaek on 03-19-2004 02:11 PM

Some of my pet peeve bugs:
•Armorsmith protection layers were not converted with the CU.
•Ship Details window does not close when you click "Travel" resulting in the message "You have lost the target. Closing interface."
03-19-2004 01:46 PM  

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