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Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin - Updated 07th Dec   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 1813
Registered: 07-16-2003

PA: Ronin
Server: Valcyn

Reply 1 of 59

Viewed 4676 times

-- Updated 07th Dec --
If you're like me, you're new to Jedi. You've maybe worked a year to get here, you've heard how tough it is, you've read how to grind but when the bounty hunters are on you staying alive over 3 weeks is near impossible when you're mission's up. I've been hunted by 3 BHs, survived one encounter and lost two.
-- Food --
a) Incap Recovery Food. I've gotten hold of 226 Cavellian Creams they'll mean you never hit the ground.
b) Synthsteak. If I'm on the terms I steak all the time when travelling.
c) Citros Snowcake for the accuracy
d) KD and Dizzy Defence Food
e) PSGs could be useful for travelling between a doc/cantina and the starport - you're too low to really fight with a saber. They may also still be disposable due to server boundaries, restarts and their plague of other issues. Not sure if they work properly yet.
I'm suprised by how much food I can manage, at the end of a buff session there's little point filling your stomach, I consider the incap, synth food essential to moving around when being hunted.
-- WarCry --
I've found the warcry useful for one important function - healing. If I'm out of my depth I'll warcry and use their delay to get some heals in, as opposed to quite often taking as much damage as I just healed with the delays.
-- Checking for other Players while Grinding --
Ctrl+M certainly helps, and I am experimenting with the expanding of my radar which has been suggested to give you more warning, the initial tests indicate a definite improvement.
-- Ctrl + P --
I scan constantly for BHs when grinding, am yet to be killed while actually grinding, I set myself visibile on ctrl+p search for a moment to get the name of my location and then cross-reference any BHs. If I see a BH moving towards another player, I usually ask if they're Jedi as if they are a BH is coming there way. I've made a lot of friends saving lives this way. You'd be suprised how many BHs show up this way.
-- Depot --
Work out where your main thoroughfare is, I know where my usual buffers are so I set-up a supply depot that I maintain with my alt so I never have to risk being shot-down at the bazaar again. It's a 1000m dash to the StarPort and then you're away.
-- Graphics --
Despite having a high-end computer (3.06 GHZ/1 Gig Ram) lag and load can still be a risk. I've ripped all my graphics down to a tolerable level in the launchpad. I rarely lag with it set-up that way, everyone looks like they belong in an aphex twin film clip but not even coronet bogs my computer down. Having it up briefly has cost me my life.
-- PSGS --
Stat shifting has been fixed but they need to be re-equipped at server boundaries.
-- Roaming V Missions --
Roaming means you don't return to pick-up missions where a BH may wait for you. It also makes your movement extremely unpredictable. Kill a bit here, kill a bit there. The xp is usually good but the money isn't - that's the trade off.
-- Macros --
I've found people will sometimes deliberately drive past me or even come and stop to watch while I saber. I've seen other Padawans do this. I usually try to unequip but have found using a macro to switch from my saber to flamethrower helps a lot and means I can contend with anything that I may be engaged with.
I use two macros to hide my Jedi nature:
conceal - a /ui action toolbarSlot to change to my flame
conceal2 - a /ui action toolBarSlot to change to my urban clothes or armour
A third emergency macro
BH - to take foods, equip, rgd defence injection, equip PSG, and burst run
Stand Macro is useful not just in pvp enounters but also when hunting, bolle bol stompers sometimes KD and Dizzy.
Stand macro
/pause 01
/ui action toolbarSlot
The pause means I can use /dump to drop it.
-- Making Yourself a Target --
I never wear robes in public or even my tag, as a lot of people complain about Jedi numbers, I figured it would make them more likely to kill you. I can't say whether or not this holds true, within 2 days of being on the terminals I've been hunted both times.
-- A little on Grinding --
If keeping low visibility has proved hard, due to random events or whatever, I have been considering taking the saber 1hd and crafting lines over the usual double saber, and maybe working to heal all self 1. This at least gives, an improved saber, a little healing and a pvp orientated saber line. I don't know if anyone else has looked at a survival route of grind.
These are the methods I've learned from eating dirt twice to bounty hunters, the xp loss at higher levels is harsh but it's easier to kill creatures with higher xp and to work with a broader set of support powers. At a low level 650 xp is about the best you can get per kill, and kills are that much riskier.
Feel free to add survival ideas, try to be constructive, although I realise someone will have to say:
"If you don't want to die, don't play your jedi" - so I save'd'em saying it and we're talking about survival in the face of death here.

Message Edited by TheNymon on 11-30-2004 11:50 PM

Message Edited by TheNymon on 12-07-2004 01:04 PM

Message Edited by TheNymon on 12-07-2004 06:30 PM

Force Extra-Sensitive Call Girl

Osadukah - Master Smuggler
- I support a family of cardboard cut-outs
11-29-2004 06:30 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin   [ Edited ]
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Posts: 12339
Registered: 11-13-2003

PA: SEA - My picture gallery
Server: Chimaera

Reply 2 of 59

Viewed 3150 times

New Paddy starting out

First read the Jedi revamp guide

Probably one of the most useful documents, use the resource info to start getting all your lightsaber equipment together and if possible buy a decent 14.xx LS crafting tool or two (2 is better as crafting two crystal packs is annoying for each saber).

Get your equipment together

Full composite armour suit (Stun or regular)
Full BE clothing suit - Spec ops duster, shirt, camo pants all with melee defence +4 and defence vs stun +16.
Backpack with mods (lightweight mil or specops fiuelod agent with +3 melee def and +3 ranged def)
2 x Aukuan rings (+5 ranged def each)
Stim packs
Crate of swoops
Spare colour crystal
Spare damage crystal
Crate of brandy
Crate of vercupti
Crate of exo protein wafers
Crate of citrus snowcake (accuracy food)
Crate of parwan nutricake (Burst run food)
Crate of Neutron pixie
Crate of muon gold
Crate of Pyrollian cake (Assembly roll for saber creation, use on crystal packs and saber)
Crate of bespin port (Experimentation for saber, only useful when have some of the lightsaber tech tree)
Crate of Cavellian Creams (incap reduction food)
3 or 4 small naboo house deeds
1 x Droid with 10 item storage (for holding lightsaber building equipment)
Hyperspace capable ship
If possible mind buff crystal from village.


Setup a macro for equipping all your armour is a key thing, at low levels youll be running from anyone and you may get ganked by mobs occaisionally this macro can save your life.

Setup a macro to unequip saber from the toolbar, /ui action clearcombatqueue, /peace, /dump are usually useful things to include in this.

Setup a burstrun macro using the clearcombat queue part as if you want to run in a hurry and are still chopping away you wont get far.

Setup a /berzerk, /intimidate macro for grinding the initial box.

Make sure any force related macros are on a separate toolbar to your normal abilities, this stops you equipping saber in public by accident.

Stat migrations

Until high enough to cope purely on jedi skills its worthwhile keeping your pre jedi stat layout with balanced regen and special cost since you will want to flick to your non jedi skills if in trouble. Once your high enough shove all points into the main HAM stats 1k H 1k A 1k M or if not possible with your species add some into the regen for mind and other stats.

Starting out

Pre jedi template is important, TKM is advisable purely as you dont have to worry about switching weapons just ditch saber and pound em, melee mit and defences are also damn good and meditation line is a lifesaver. xx1x smuggler is worth considering as feigning can save your life both in PVE and BH encounters. Scout 3xxx and novice medic should also be in your repertoire.

First off, dont bother with the robe. Every other jedi i spoke to used it but i never needed to, it looks horrible, doesnt do much, and attracts unwanted attention.

The 250 force is needed to tune crystals at base padawan but do this in your own home when noones around (since tuning damage crystals uses force so prob gives visibility)

Stick on your best BE suit and backpack load up any belts gloves or boots with CA's for defence.

Travel to a out of the way town with a shuttle and a mission terminal and place 1 house within the town, venture out in 3 directions from town 1.5 to 2km out and place the other 2/3 houses.

Setup your Doc alt (required!!!!) in the town house preferably have them as dancer/musician too stock them up with buff/rez packs and droid batteries.

Make sure all your houses are private and have either

1) an item called what your toon is called

2) a Droid detector

This should prevent bh getting a droid into your private house. If you have to go afk in the house equip full comp if your unsure and NEVER sit down or meditate as you often slide outside.

At starting level solo grouped mission may generate too many spawns for you as you really are pretty crap at this stage. Group with a pet or droid and head out to get something like quenker missions is best. Some recommend equipping armour and using berzerk for grinding the novice box id say just wear full BE suit and use a berzerk macro as its quicker xp (More damage when certed). If you use exo protein wafers youll do fine and just remember to heal.

Grind all the novice boxes initially starting with lightsaber.

Your first target should be xx2x lightsaber at this stage you can decide whether to just go for LS or start getting other useful skills, heal 1xxx will last you for a long while and enhancer xxx2 is very useful for speeding up the grind as you dont have to wait for force regen. Enhancer 2xxx is something to consider as it means you dont need to rely on burst run and it speeds you through water without breaking if chased.

Continue with lightsaber until xx4x when channel force becomes almost a necessity unless you have a very good colelction of pearls/crystals, at xx4x you will notice xp comes alot faster. The lightsaber techniques line should be your next goal once you have xx44 build yourself a good 3rd generation polearm saber and use that for grinding, the Force cost is higher but its quicker and you should have channel force to compensate.

Once on xx44 the world is your oyster, finish lightsaber if you want or start out on other skills like healer or enhancer.

Enemies to grind on at various levels

LS to xx2x Quenkers (solo with pet)
LS to xx3x Quenkers or Huurton huntresses (solo group)
LS to xx4x Quenkers or Huurton huntresses (solo group)
After LS xx4x Vorritor trackers (Solo group)

When approaching a mission nest stop 100m out and allow the server to catch up and load in creatures etc. Usually NPC's take you by surprise if you dont.

ALWAYS check what yellow dots are nearby, a hidden NPC could mean being hunted or not.

Set radar to 128m and zoom overhead map right out, any sign of another player unequip saber IMMEDIATLY and head for swoop. Learn the names of those that hunt near you, this helps suss out who you should worry about.

Always keep an eye on food/doc buffs, never let them run out when you werent expecting them to.

If there are NPC's under 60m from your nest cancel it and move on, even though only 32m gives vis they often wander.

Robe and title = No vis but risk of BH getting your name

Saber and force powers = Vis if anyone or NPC is within 32m of you.

Most important.


Getting lax in your grind gets you killed, never log out in the open, never go afk in the open (thats what those safe houses are for!).

Message Edited by Oblox on 12-03-2004 10:08 AM

~ Ani'a L'o ~
Dune Sea Desperadoes
Lightsaber ~ ()(ts)() - Tri Sun Shipping ~ YT-2400
"Wandering the galaxy since November 5, 2003"
11-29-2004 06:39 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Posts: 12339
Registered: 11-13-2003

PA: SEA - My picture gallery
Server: Chimaera

Reply 3 of 59

Viewed 3037 times

Bump for the n00bs.

~ Ani'a L'o ~
Dune Sea Desperadoes
Lightsaber ~ ()(ts)() - Tri Sun Shipping ~ YT-2400
"Wandering the galaxy since November 5, 2003"
11-30-2004 01:50 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Posts: 1813
Registered: 07-16-2003

PA: Ronin
Server: Valcyn

Reply 4 of 59

Viewed 2943 times

/bump because I found oblox's material useful and am sure there's more out there.

Force Extra-Sensitive Call Girl

Osadukah - Master Smuggler
- I support a family of cardboard cut-outs
11-30-2004 08:53 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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SWG Ensign
Posts: 296
Registered: 06-26-2003

Server: Starsider

Reply 5 of 59

Viewed 2893 times

Very good guide from both posters.

I'm a low level jedi, novice ls, novice def right now. A lot of questions I had were answered. What ham templates do you guys recommend?
11-30-2004 09:10 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Posts: 12339
Registered: 11-13-2003

PA: SEA - My picture gallery
Server: Chimaera

Reply 6 of 59

Viewed 2938 times

Stick to your pre jedi template Stats until you feel your high enough to use only jedi skills then stick it all into the main HAM stats.

~ Ani'a L'o ~
Dune Sea Desperadoes
Lightsaber ~ ()(ts)() - Tri Sun Shipping ~ YT-2400
"Wandering the galaxy since November 5, 2003"
11-30-2004 09:12 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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SWG Petty Officer
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Registered: 01-08-2004

Server: Bloodfin

Reply 7 of 59

Viewed 2925 times

This stuff needs to be added to the guide.

Pain is temporary, Pride is forever.
11-30-2004 09:57 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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SWG Chief Petty Officer
Posts: 1012
Registered: 08-03-2003


Reply 8 of 59

Viewed 2943 times

Nice Guide. FAQ is a FAQ, this is a guide. Thanks.
11-30-2004 10:48 AM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Wing Commander
Posts: 3331
Registered: 10-21-2004


Reply 9 of 59

Viewed 2876 times

Thanx for the great ideas!

Shamgar : Mandolorian BH Olden : Elder Sith Chiro : My Kids Pet Wookie

Oldens Concubine 1562 , 1709 Naboo near Keren Carries Tons of Good LOOT

11-30-2004 12:29 PM  

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Squadron Leader
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Registered: 04-08-2004

PA: mVa / PURgE
Server: Valcyn

Reply 10 of 59

Viewed 2863 times

Incredible information.  Thanks.

FunkyFresh PURgE
Jayhawk mVa
Elll Guapo mVa

Post-CU Food & Drink Vendors located in sunny Mos Vegas -306 3704 and outside Mos Eisley 5052 -5100
11-30-2004 12:39 PM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Posts: 4890
Registered: 04-28-2004

PA: DFR - Dark Force Rising
Server: Flurry

Reply 11 of 59

Viewed 2797 times

never heard of the avoid incap food? can it still be made? info on how it works?

____________________||[Colonel Cilas Dark Jedi Enforcer]||
||Dark Force Rising||_________________________________||
_____________________________________|Forum slay3r M||

11-30-2004 01:08 PM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Wing Commander
Posts: 460
Registered: 11-09-2003

PA: New World Order
Server: Wanderhome

Reply 12 of 59

Viewed 2793 times

The purpose of the doc alt would be for what? 
Are you talking about a doc on a seperate account, or a doc with your free character? 
I would assume that a free sloit doctor would be near useless, as they can not be in game at the same time. 
Also, I assume that you can not rez yourself with your free slot doc?

New world Order
I haven't been a noob since this game was in beta....oh wait...
11-30-2004 01:12 PM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Posts: 578
Registered: 08-14-2003

Server: Lowca

Reply 13 of 59

Viewed 2783 times

RockNwO wrote:
The purpose of the doc alt would be for what?
Are you talking about a doc on a seperate account, or a doc with your free character?
I would assume that a free sloit doctor would be near useless, as they can not be in game at the same time.
Also, I assume that you can not rez yourself with your free slot doc?

If your second character is a doc, you can buff your Jedi character when its Link Dead (LD), and then simply switch characters.

I find it more convenient to simply have a second account with a master doctor on it however.

[ Dark Jedi ] || The circle is now complete. ||
11-30-2004 01:22 PM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin
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Wing Commander
Posts: 3532
Registered: 06-19-2004


Reply 14 of 59

Viewed 2843 times

What he said.........

11-30-2004 01:47 PM  

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Re: Padawan Survival Guide - We Ain't Talkin Grindin - Updated
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Posts: 1813
Registered: 07-16-2003

PA: Ronin
Server: Valcyn

Reply 15 of 59

Viewed 2765 times

Incap Food has a 45 min or so timer. So you can take it and feel relatively secure knowing you have a safeguard. Mine has a -226 reduction time on incap. As no incap goes over 99 or so seconds, I never hit the ground. It gives you an advantage when you're expected to go down, your actually up and healing, with your opponents guard dropped.
You get one incap save per dose. It's also a food.
They're called Cavellian Creams and are still available.

Force Extra-Sensitive Call Girl

Osadukah - Master Smuggler
- I support a family of cardboard cut-outs
11-30-2004 03:54 PM  

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