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Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v2.00 [Final]   [ Edited ]
Squadron Leader
Posts: 4594
Registered: 09-06-2003

PA: The Sheriff
Server: Naritus

41 ratings - 4.7 average

My current plant is a "Large aurilian plant". This guide is 99% complete, with room for a few minor updates. 
Added: 2/3/05 - Introduction Section: How to Acquire an Aurilian Plant
Added: 3/10/05- Charting your plant for optimal growth
Keep this inmind, plants are different.  Of course there will be 2 people out there that end up with plants with the same settings, but by and large, everyones plants will be different. 
Introduction: How to Acquire an Aurilian Plant
I: Storing Your Plant
II: Adding/Subtracting Nutrients and Water
III: Plant Updating
IV: Finding Your Settings
V: Plant Stages, Growth Stages, Health Levels Etc
VI: Charting your plant for Optimal Growth

The Aurilian Plant is a unique reward acquired by doing Sivarra Mecheaux's Village Quest in Phaze One of the Village.  You must cure ten patients in order to recieve the reward.  Below you will find listed the specifics of the quest.  When fullgrown, a Large Aurilian Plant will bear fruits, which are consumable at a 10 stomach fill, and they replenish 1000 health, 1000 action and 1000 mind.  The description of the quest follows (ty SG):
Senses: Cure the Sick
Villager: Sivarra Mecheaux (5391,-4075)
FS Branch Unlocked: Heightened Senses: Persuasion
Village Phaze: Phaze 1

You are asked to create medicines with which to treat injured and sick villagers.
You will need a Doctor with Master Doctor's Medicine Crafting (Doc:0004) in order to craft the cures. You'll also need a droid with a private food & chemical crafting station built in to allow experimentation.
To create the required cures you will need to control the medicine through experimentation and use various qualities of resources. Each cure requires 10 Metal and 5 Flora, with Overall Quality (OQ) weighing 66% and Potential Energy (PE) weighing 33% for experimentation. It's best to bring both high and low quality resources so you can hit all the various experimental ranges.
Through multiple applications of the different medications you'll be able to cure the symptoms of the sick. The medical droids will help you administer the cures to the patients.
Symptoms and the required experimentation for cures (overlap is due to decimals):
  • fever = 0-8% experimentation
  • vomiting = 8-16% experimentation
  • open sores = 16-25% experimentation
  • puss filled lesions = 25-33% experimentation
  • erratic heart rate = 33-41% experimentation
  • respiratory failure = 41-50% experimentation
  • lost vision = 50-58% experimentation
  • partial paralysis = 58-66% experimentation
  • violent spasms = 66-75% experimentation
  • bloody cough = 75-83% experimentation
  • swelling = 83-91% experimentation
  • internal bleeding = 91-100% experimentation
After curing the initial 5 villagers you will unlock the FS branch. You can then cure an additional 5 villagers (extended) for a reward, and even another 5 villagers after that (extra cures) for a very unique reward!
Note: It's important that you talk to Sivarra every time you cure 5 villagers! There's no indication when you have completed each set so you must request the reward yourself from her (and ask to help with more so you can get the further rewards).
Cure 5 villagers to unlock the FS branch, cure 5 more villagers (10 in total) to unlock an Ice Pendant necklace with Combat Medicine Experimentation +5, and finally cure 5 more villagers (15 in total) to unlock an Aurilian Plant for your house that needs Watering and Nutrients. If properly taken care of the plant can grow large and bear special vitalizing fruit (a Force Melon) that you can pick and use (heals Health/Action/Mind +1000, 10 food filling, single use)! However, if you neglect the plant there is a chance that it could die...

Section I: Storing Your Plant

Leave your plant in a private house with only trusted people on the admin list. You want as little traffic as possible. Traffic is directly tied to plant growth. Everytime you login and cause the plant to fully "Load" into the world, it will update roughly 5 mintues after you cause it to load. If you have people coming in all day to your house, and causing it to load over and over, the water and nutrient levels will go down and its possible your plant will be reduced to a negative growth rate.  For more on Loading/Unloading, please see section III about plant updating.
NOTE:  By picking up the plant, or placing it into a container of some sort (bank, book case, backpack etc) you will stop all growth and water/nutrient consumption. 

Section II: Adding/Subtracting Nutrients and Water

Aurilian Plants consume Water, and Nutrients.  Nutrients can consist of ANY organic food.  Organic foods range from creature meats to flora resources.  There are ten (10) different water levels and ten (10) different nutrient levels. The catch here is that each level allows for the addition of two (2) servings of nutrients. If you are at "below normal" water level and add one (1) serving that results in the water level changing from "below normal" to "normal", you will be allowed to add an ADDITIONAL serving and the water level will REMAIN at "normal" adding a 3rd serving will change the water level from "normal" to "above normal". This phenom is applicable to both Water Levels AND Nutrient levels.

For all examples in this post, I will refer to the nutrient and water levels with an A or B, which designate if the "extra" serving has been added.


Desert-like *a*
Desert-like *b*
Arid *a*
Arid *b*
Very Dry *a*
Very Dry *b*
Dry *a*
Dry *b*
Below Normal *a*
Below Normal *b*
Normal *a*
Normal *b*
Moist *a*
Moist *b*
Wet *a*
Wet *b*
Very Wet *a*
Very Wet *b*
Drenched *a*
Drenched *b*
Waterlogged *a*
Waterlogged *b*

Nutrient Level:

Barren *a*
Barren *b*
Fallow *a*
Fallow *b*
Miniscule *a*
Miniscule *b*
Very Low *a*
Very Low *b*
Low *a*
Low *b*
Normal *a*
Normal *b*
Above Normal *a*
Above Normal *b*
High *a*
High *b*
Very High *a*
Very High *b*
Rich *a*
Rich *b*
Fertile *a*
Fertile *b*

*When a plant updates (see below about what "updating" is, if the levels change (without YOU adding nutrients/water to them) they will go down one notch. If the Nutrients are at Rich *a* and go down one level, they will go down to Very High *b* with one update, NOT Very High *a*.

Section III: Plant Updating

Many people dont understand plant updating, or the cycles of updating. Plant updating is a bit mysterious. Plant updating is the process of the plant changing statistics based on the current Water and Nutrient levels. But here is what I can tell you about it:

- Assuming you login once a day and enter the house that your plant is stored in, then your plant will update once a day, usually within 5 mintues of you entering the house it is stored in. The reason I say to keep traffic to a minimum and store it in a private house, is to keep others from having it update like 50 times a day and probably killing it off.

- Private houses contents (IE your plant) load into the game ONLY when someone who is on the enterance list enters the house. Once you leave your house, theres a certain period of time that must pass (some say around 30 mintues) that will cause the contents of your house to "unload" so to speak. If you can cause your plant and the contents of your house to "unload", and then enter your house again and cause them to "load" back up again, you can accelerate the "updating" process of your plant. I dont have exact numbers on this, but i'd guess that you could get your plant to update 20+ times in a day if you were on for 20+ hours (yeah some people are that crazy)
- Once the plant has loaded into the world, I cannot say exactly how long it takes to update when it is active in the world.  I will say this, if 50 people come into your house AFTER you have had the plant load and it is active, it will not update 50 times (once for every person who has entered) because it is ALREADY loaded into the world for you. 

- When updating, it is not a 100% certainty that nutrients/water will be consumed. Right now I am not sure exactly how long it takes for a plant to eat up one "portion" of nutrients. I can try to figure it out tho.

- Updating can be a bit confusing. When updating the "growth rate", the plant will reflect the water and nutrient levels that were present the VERY SECOND BEFORE the plant updated. Heres few examples:

Example I:

For all intents and purposes, plant condition will be ignored. The "plant condition" variable is directly tied to the "growth rate" and with regards to updating, we dont need to focus on "plant condition"

Before the update, my plant has the following stats:

Growth Rate: Normal
Water Level: Below Normal *a*
Nutrient Level: Normal *b*

After the update, my plant has the following stats:

Growth Rate: Normal
Water Level: Dry *b*
Nutrient Level: Normal *a*

now, heres the confusing part about the plant update. With a water level of "below normal *a* " and a nutrient level of "normal *b*", my plant has a "normal" growth rate. ONCE the update occurs, the water level goes down to "dry *b*" while the nutrient level stays constant at normal, but instead of "normal *b*" its downgraded to "normal *a*. the growth rate STAYS at normal. this "normal" growth rate IS NOT tied to the water level and nutrient level AFTER the update. the growth rate IS tied to the water level and nutrient level BEFORE the update. This is a concept people have to understand.

If you were to go off of the Update stats AFTER the update, then you would believe that a water level of DRY and a nutrient level of NORMAL yeilds a growth rate of Normal. This is not true and if you dont understand it, it could cost you in the log run.

Example II:

I will try to give an example here of why the above principle about updating is so important. Lets say, for all intents and purposes, you have these settings:

Growth Rate: Slow
Water Level: Dry *a*
Nutrient Level: Normal *a*

lets assume that when you recieved this plant, these values were constant, so we know, 100% for sure, that with this SPECIFIC plant, a slow growth rate can be achieved by having a Dry (*a* or *b*) water level and a Normal (*a* or *b*) nutrient level. after the 1st update, the plants stats will read:

Growth Rate: Slow
Water Level: Very Dry *b*
Nutrient Level: Below Normal *b*

the very first time this plant updates, the water level will drop to Very Dry *b* and the nutrient level will drop to Below Normal *b*. the Growth rate will NOT reflect the new water and nutrient levels. The rate WILL reflect the OLD water AND nutrient settings.

this can be confusing to many and to a point, misleading. Now the NEXT update will reflect the settings of water level=very dry *b* and nutrient level=below normal *b*.

lets say that the new settings are as follows:

Growth Rate: Normal
Water Level: Very Dry *a*
Nutrient Level: Below Normal *a*

now looking at this, you would assume that the growth rate of normal is tied to having water level of Very Dry and Nutrient level of Below normal. In this instance, this IS correct. The Normal growth rate updated and reflects the OLD values of Water and Nutrient level, when the level was Very Dry *b*.

the reason that the principle of the plant taking the OLD water and nutrient levels to reflect the CURRENT growth rate is important, is when you are trying to find settings that work. this will be shown in example III

Example III

Growth Rate: Wilting
Water Level: Dry *b*
Nutrient Level: Normal *b*

ok, the second you see this "wilting" plant, you decide that you MUST get positive growth. but you are UNAWARE of 2 things:

1.) The fact that theres a Dry *a* and a Dry *b* (and for all intents and purposes, you dont even know about the whole *a* and *b* thing period

2.) The fact that AFTER a plant updates, the Growth is tied to the PREVIOUS settings.

so, in your haste to get this plant out of "wilting", you alter the settings to the following, and Keep inmind that the plant HAS NOT UPDATED yet:

Growth Rate: Wilting
Water Level: Dry *a*
Nutrient Level: Above Normal *a*

now, here is the tricky part...the plant the following:

Growth Rate: Normal
Water Level: Very Dry *b*
Nutrient Level: Normal *b*

this would LEAD the player to believe that Water Level of Very Dry and a Nutrient Level of Normal led to a Normal Growth Rate. This IS NOT THE CASE. Since the Growth Rate is tied to the Water and Nutrient settings RIGHT BEFORE THE UPDATE, then the Growth Rate of Normal can be achieved by using Dry water setting (either *a* or *b*) and a Nutrient level of Above Normal (*a* or *b*)

when changing settings for your plant, make sure you are aware of exactly what the water/nutrient levels were before you updated. if the water and nutrient levels stay constant after the update, then you can be 100% sure that the Growth Rate at that time is directly related to, and achievable by using the new OR old settings.

Section IV: Finding your settings

This can be tough. The key thing is to make sure your plant is private so that you don't have people constanly updating your plant, especially if the growth is "wilting" or one of the negative growths. 

My best guess is theres numerous combinations that will yeild positive growth. I achieved a "normal" growth rate on my small plant by using:

Water Level: below normal
Nutrient Level: normal

i did 4 experiements, hoping for a growth rate that was greater than "normal". i did not succeed and ended up reverting to the settings listed right above. i kept the nutrient level constant at normal, and took the water level down one for the 1st experiment, and then took it one up (from below) normal. each update yeilded a growth rate that was worse than the one i originally had. when the water was the variable, heres what i tested:
1st test

Water Level: Dry
Nutrient Level: Normal

2nd test

Water Level: normal
Nutrient Level: normal

then, i kept the water level constant at "below normal" and altered the Nutrient levels, each time by full level.

3rd test

Water Level: Below Normal
Nutrient Level: Below Normal

4th test

Water Level: Below Normal
Nutrient Level: Above Normal

again, the altering of one variable resulted in a growth rate that was NOT better than the "normal" i was originally achieving. as a result, i changed the settings to the ones that worked best (normal growth rate), and after a few days, my small aurilian plant evolved to the 2nd stage.

Section V: Plant Stages, Growth Stages, Health Levels Etc
Growth Stages:
  • Very Slow (slowest positive growth)
  • Slow
  • Below Normal
  • Normal
  • Above Normal
  • Fast
  • Very Fast
  • Extraordinary
  • Extraordinary
  • Extraordinary (fastest positive growth)
  • Wilting (slowest negative decay on plant condition)
  • Withering
  • Dying (fastest negative decay on plant condition)
    Health Levels:
  • Dead (don't let your plant hit this level)
  • Near Death
  • Severely Wilted
  • Wilted
  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very Good
  • Excellent
  • Vibrant and Colorful
  • Full of Life
  • Perfect Condition (the best you can get)
  • Plant Stages:

  • Small Aurilian Plant
  • Aurilian Plant
  • Large Aurilian Plant


    VI: Charting Your Plant for Optimum Growth

    After finding postive growth, you may consider using a chart to find the best growth rate for your plant.  I would recommend using excel and creating a graph.  On the X-Axis, have all of the water settings, on the Y-Axis, have all of the nutrient settings.  Go box by box and chart the growth rates AFTER update for every single combination of settings. 

    I would only recommend this under 2 circumstances:

    • You have a "Large Aurilian Plant
    • You have POSITIVE growth (any degree will suffice)

    With that being said, try all settings.  If you hit a negative growth that takes your plant below perfect condition, revert it to the known positive growth setting until it gets back to perfect condition.  This may take some time, but I believe that you can find the perfect setting and you will be very happy.





    Message Edited by ZinaTheMaker on 03-13-2005 01:08 AM

    Y Y Y Zina Y Y Y
    3Master Weaponsmith4
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    09-23-2004 01:27 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 737
    Registered: 10-06-2003

    PA: Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH)
    Server: Naritus

    Nice guide. Well written
    Argyros - 12pt Fs MasterDoctor & MasterSwordsman & MasterMadGreek - Naritus
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    Mayor was so far up his own ar$e I just had to leave!
    Pos tha thelate tis /sfaliares sas, Kirie? Anoixtes, Tiligmenes, Me saltsa chili?
    How would you like your /slap Sir? Open, Wrapped, Chili Sauce?
    Yannis is the Greek word for the name John. After Mastering 24 Professions I unlocked my Force Sensitive Slot 19th May 2004 @ 04:06GMT. My Jedi is named in the memory of a very dear friend who passed into the next life 4 days before I became a Jedi. Rest in Peace my friend, for you shall never be forgotten.
    Yannis 14 - BountyHunters 5
    09-23-2004 01:32 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 480
    Registered: 07-30-2003

    PA: AOD (Angels Of Death)
    Server: Sunrunner

    Nice!  I hadn't noticed that the growth rate was tied to the previous water/nutrient levels.  Thanks 

    Saeria Isipai, MD - Proprietor of Saeria's Apothecary

    Ceena Isipai, Master Architect - Proprietor of Isipai Architectural Virtutis Civitas, Naboo, Sunrunner Get the latest version of the Architect Calculator here!!!
    09-23-2004 01:44 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    SWG Petty Officer
    Posts: 363
    Registered: 07-05-2003

    PA: Enlightentainment
    Server: Naritus

    Any idea on how updating works if I keep the plant in my personal inventory?  I can still water and feed it as long as I'm standing in any house I administrate.

    E C T O P I C | Enlightentainment

    You can grind 'skill boxes,' but you can't grind a profession.

    09-23-2004 01:45 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 2006
    Registered: 07-21-2003

    PA: Evil
    Server: Eclipse

    does anyone know
    if water effects condition and nutrients effect growth rate? or if they both do individually?

    Thunderheart wrote: Last I heard, we were alcoholic monkeys...
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    09-23-2004 01:49 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Wing Commander
    Posts: 2884
    Registered: 07-09-2003

    PA: Brenn
    Server: Shadowfire

    Nice guide, the loading/unloading is very nice and very helpful to explain the erratic nature of my nutrient levels.  I gotta get my plants in a private house!


    09-23-2004 01:51 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
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    PA: The Sheriff
    Server: Naritus

    1 rating - 5.0 average

    Ectopic wrote:
    Any idea on how updating works if I keep the plant in my personal inventory?  I can still water and feed it as long as I'm standing in any house I administrate.

    I have had zero experience with regards to my plant being in my personal inventory other than the time it took to transport it from the aurilian village to my house in coronet. 

    it would be very very interesting to check what happens when u cross server boundaries, hop to a new starport etc.

    Y Y Y Zina Y Y Y
    3Master Weaponsmith4
    /loves my Kitty
    09-23-2004 02:26 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
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    PA: The Sheriff
    Server: Naritus

    1 rating - 5.0 average

    Arrya wrote:
    Nice guide, the loading/unloading is very nice and very helpful to explain the erratic nature of my nutrient levels.  I gotta get my plants in a private house!

    i cant tell u the exact time it takes to have a plant "unload" from the world, some have said around 30 mintues.  you will notice that the very 1st time u login for the day, if u are visiting your plant for the 1st time, then within 5 mintues it will update.  i do not believe that the plant will update for the day if noone visits it.  i could however be wrong.  the plant seems to need to be actively loaded into the world for any chance to occur. 

    i would almost be willing to say that IF u did NOT login for a day, and NOONE entered your house, that your plant would not update.  again, another theory that i cannot be 100% sure about until further testing

    Y Y Y Zina Y Y Y
    3Master Weaponsmith4
    /loves my Kitty
    09-23-2004 02:29 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Wing Commander
    Posts: 2286
    Registered: 06-26-2003

    PA: Baptized By Fire
    Server: Lowca

    ***Takes plant out of merchant tent***

    Minass (was minas but i hate trandoshans so now im minass)
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    09-23-2004 02:48 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 615
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    PA: Fenix Rising
    Server: Corbantis

    Mines is small right now, It's Full of Life but I can't seem to get it above Very Slow I got it to slow once and it went back down to very.

    Nakoma Tiek Imperial Storm Squadron Pilot Ace
    House at 6404 4227 Kaitan, Tatooine.

    09-23-2004 06:33 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Community Guide
    Posts: 535
    Registered: 06-17-2004

    PA: ADA
    Server: FarStar

    huntedbyall wrote:
    does anyone know
    if water effects condition and nutrients effect growth rate? or if they both do individually?

    Water and nutrients both effect growth rate. Growth affects how fast your health will go up or down... At least, thats what I understood from reading the 15 pages in the other thread.

    New signature coming soon (I am so lazy)

    09-24-2004 07:23 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 2083
    Registered: 07-29-2003

    Server: Corbantis

    2 ratings - 3.0 average

    Zina nice information

    I have a question though. It's based on your explanation of moving water and nutrients up and down one level (while leaving one or the other at it's original setting) to see if moving one level will increase your plant growth.

    I noticed when you raised then lowered both water and nutrients you discovered that the growth rate became worse than your "baseline" settings.

    This is all fine and great if your plant is slow growth or higher. What would you suggest for a plant that is very slow growth? When i have altered my settings as you described (before I read this post, but still I tried many settings and just found this post), my plant has never gone higher than very slow growth. The only way it changes (no matter what the water or nutrients) is downward to "none" or "wilting". At which time I put the settings back to what will give me very slow growth so the plant health doesn't decay further.

    Since you yourself found out that altering water up or down, or nutrients up or down resulted in lower growth rate, do you believe that the plants have a maximum growth rate that can never go higher?

    h Red's Meds h
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    10-06-2004 11:15 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 13
    Registered: 09-12-2004

    Once you've gotten the plant to produce a plant, what happens? Does it just die? Does it go back to the start then you can get another fruit?

    I'm thinking of doing the quest next phase one, but I'm curious if you can get more than one fruit per plant.

    11-05-2004 02:08 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 658
    Registered: 01-21-2004

    Server: Chilastra

    The plant stays around as long as it isn't dead.
    Not all plants can grow at the fastest rates... the plant I have has never had a growth rate higher than "Slow."
    Leaving the plant in the bank puts it into stasis.
    11-05-2004 09:01 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 20
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    PA: DANK (Don't ask knowbody knows)
    Server: Lowca

    1 rating - 1.0 average

    Whoah, what? Auriliaan plant? Do you mean the flora? I'm confused.

    Lowca ROCKS!!!!

    11-05-2004 11:14 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 20
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    PA: DANK (Don't ask knowbody knows)
    Server: Lowca

    1 rating - 1.0 average

    wait... my bad, I meant Aldereaan Flora, nevermind, heh. However, I have still never seen an Aurillian plant...

    Lowca ROCKS!!!!

    11-05-2004 11:18 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 13
    Registered: 09-12-2004

    Thanks starcloud!

    So does that mean you can get more than one fruit from it?

    Rockiroad278 - you get the plant by doing the Crafting Mastery quest in the Village. Can't remember what phase but it's the one you have to experiment to cure different illnesses on the villagers. You have to do the quest 3 times to get this reward.

    The other reward is a Combat Medic experimentation necklace.
    11-06-2004 01:29 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 1350
    Registered: 11-21-2003

    PA: -Big Game Hunters-
    Server: Shadowfire

    very nice

    11-08-2004 12:40 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
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    Registered: 09-23-2003

    PA: ShadowKnights
    Server: Eclipse

    Very nice Guide

    Badrien Athrar

    There's always been a lot of tension between Luke and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill him, it's just, I want him not to be alive anymore.

    Green Rodian Armor, located a stonesthrow from coronet at 672 -3925

    11-08-2004 01:22 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 84
    Registered: 06-02-2004

    Server: Starsider

    So, when the plant dies, thats it, correct?

    Samej Gink
    Field Commander/ Soldier

    11-10-2004 09:55 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Squadron Leader
    Posts: 6623
    Registered: 10-08-2003

    Server: Valcyn

    What have been acceptable levels for a large plant, I killed my first plant and now have another small and large that I bought, but I dont want to drop the large plant as I never had any luck with the settings on my 1st one, any advice is greatly appreciated.
    I had no troubles with small or medium plants as I only kept them levels at below normal water and normal nutrients at a small, and then kicked the up to normal water and above normal nutrients at a medium plant.

    BillyBongVII -in game name- Master Doctor/Master Swordsman/Force Sensitive
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    Please contact me through e-mail in game if you need something I do not stock.

    11-30-2004 07:50 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Wing Commander
    Posts: 1686
    Registered: 06-27-2003

    Server: Starsider

    1 rating - 5.0 average

    What is used as nutrients ? and do the stats matter on the water and nutrients ?

    Ssgt. Roka ID
    Recruit - 8th Imperial Special Forces Detachment ID Sample
    dies irae - exitus acta probat
    . May Courage be your Brother,
    . May Honor be you Friend,
    . And may Luck be your Lover,
    . Till we meet again.

    11-30-2004 01:35 PM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Posts: 8
    Registered: 07-19-2004

    Server: Kauri

    Very nice guide, thanks Zina

    I need some help because I think that my small plant is in bad shape now.
    It started with Very Good health but I didn't remember water & nutrient levels.
    The day after I installed it in my lab (private building) it turns to Slow Growth.
    The day after I tried to pump up the growing rate by adjusting water & nutrient.
    Now it's a mess: my poor plant health droped to Fair, its growth rate is Wilting.
    I can't find a water/nutrient combo to get it back to a positive growth.
    Last night I tried 14x22 combinations (Desert-like-a to Moist-b x Barren-a to Fertile-b).
    It was long and painfull but finally I gave up and bag my plant and put the bag in my inventory.

    I am looking for a way to save my small plant now.
    Any help will be welcomed

    Paria - MCM/MDoc on Kauri

    12-06-2004 03:56 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Wing Commander
    Posts: 567
    Registered: 06-26-2003

    Server: FarStar

        I disagrre about your assumptions on updating.  I take care of a friends plant we have in our PA Mall ( lots of traffic).   The plant never updats more than 4 times a day.  Have never seen it change more than 3 nutrient or water levels in a 24 hour cycle. 
       By maintaining 1 tme a day it grew to Lrg Plant in 2 weeks and now gives fruit every 3 days

    Ala Doso (AI) - FarStar ,
    Akina Talus -1611 -707
    Master Shipwright ,
    Master Armorsmith (RIS Certified) ,
    Master Artisan (15.00 tools for sale) ,

    12-06-2004 04:15 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator

    Re: Aurilian Plant Guide - Understanding the plant and growth - v1.00
    Wing Commander
    Posts: 5151
    Registered: 06-28-2003

    NadaZilch wrote:
    I disagrre about your assumptions on updating. I take care of a friends plant we have in our PA Mall ( lots of traffic). The plant never updats more than 4 times a day. Have never seen it change more than 3 nutrient or water levels in a 24 hour cycle.
    By maintaining 1 tme a day it grew to Lrg Plant in 2 weeks and now gives fruit every 3 days

    If you read carefully, you will see that his "assumption" is true.

    The guide specificly says that once the plant is loaded, it doesn't matter if 50 new people load in - as long as it's not a "fresh" load. It updates during each fresh load, i.e. when it retrieves the information from the database for the first time in, say, 30 mins. If yours updates four times a day in a PA hall, then one would guess that aproximately four times per-day the hall is totally unloaded from EVERYONE. It doesn't udate just because it's loaded by someone new, it updates when it's loaded after being totally unloaded from everyone.

    That's why for many people, who have a moderate level of activity, this can be devestating. Say, a merchant tent that gets loaded once an hour by a customer. If one customer an hour stops by, then in between the next customer the place totally unloads, and when the next customer comes it loads back up again (a "fresh" load) and the plant will update. It sounds like your PA hall is busy enough that it stays actively loaded throughout most of the day which is why you are seeing the results you are. The advice to not put it in high-traffic areas still stands - although it could be changed to "intermitent, but high-daily" traffic, it's less confusing the way it is.



    Master Droid Engineer/Master Rifleman/Master Artisan (Human/Imperial)
    Master Merchant/Master Smuggler (Zabrak/Rebel)
    Master Dancer/Master Doctor (Twi/Neutral)
    12-06-2004 09:47 AM   Report Abuse to a Moderator
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